“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”


from Yiddish לופֿטמענטש‏ (luftmentsh), from לופֿט‏ (luft, “air”) + מענטש‏ (mentsh, “man”)

noun   luft·mensch   \  ˈlu̇ft-ˌmen(t)sh \

plural luftmenschen  \ˈlu̇ft-ˌmen(t)-shən\

definition: an impractical contemplative person having no definite business or income. One more concerned with airy intellectual pursuits than practical matters like earning an income.

Compulsive dreamer. Self-proclaimed oracle. Lover of life, the universe and everything else. When not telling video stories, I like to invent stuff inside my mind, build artworks to burn, and listen to hippie music sung by raspy voiced blondes.

I was born in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in 1979.

Graduated in Film and Television at Utrecht University. During my studies, I worked on projects as a theatre director, and directed, produced, shot and edited student films and filmic experiments. Also started working as a story/development consultant.

After graduation, I started working in factual and documentary film and television. I worked on projects as an executive producer, cinematographer and editor, and also worked as a segment director for programming by Dutch broadcasting companies AT5, RTV Utrecht and NTR. And, I produced and directed multiple corporate videos.

For some years, I was a lecturer of media practice at my alma mater, where I taught about all aspects of filmmaking, and specifically creative development and creative producing. I also briefly worked as as a lecturer at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. From time to time, I worked in multimedia installation art, and currently I work as an artist for interactive installations, documentary director, and lecturer. I have also ventured into creative producing for other directors. For some time, I lived and worked in China, as a senior lecturer in media and film production. Afterwards, I moved to Spain where I lived in Barcelona and in two villages in the Valencian region, where I worked in the media industry. For some years I lived and worked in Dubai, the UAE, before moving to Kampala, Uganda.

I currently live and work in Chengdu, Sichuan, China.